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National Immigration Agency


Diversified Choices of Payment Now Available at NIA Counters

  • Date:
  • Source:Cachier & Property Section
  • Hit:1219
  • Updated date:2021-02-04
As part of Executive Yuan’s policy of promoting mobile payment, NIA starts to provide various choices of payment, including using physical credit card or mobile payment at NIA’s 25 service centers and 7 airport port counters from July 1st, 2020. To use mobile payment, just by adding credit card to mobile apps that are designed for payment, one can easily pay for various fees for all kinds of administrative services. This can reduce payment in cash, avoid billing errors and complete payment quickly. Credit card holders can enjoy a more convenient, smart and secure payment experience at NIA counters.NIA mentions, this multi-channel payment service is convenient service coming after the Online Application System that was set up in 2019 and allowed fee payment at convenience stores. The multi-channel payment service allows the public to choose between using physical or digital credit cards, and it also accepts different credit cards such as VISA, MasterCard and JCB. Best of all, the payment transaction fee will be paid by the NIA.Apart from credit cards, NIA also accepts Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay that sets up credit cards for fee payment via NFC-enabled smartphone. Taiwan Pay mobile payment service is another option. Just download Taiwan Pay app add debit cards, and then scan the app QR code when making payment at NIA counters.To take an over-all look at NIA’s payment channels, they include the newly launched multi-channel services at counter, the existing Online Application System, and other services like virtual accounts payment, Web ATM, and cash payment at convenience stores, including 7-11, Family mart, Hi-Life and OK mart. NIA encourages the public to make best use of the payment service.