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National Immigration Agency


Employment Gold Card Application Instructions for Foreign Special Professionals in Foreign Countries or Hong Kong/Macao

  • Date:
  • Source:Residency Section 2
  • Hit:45329
  • Updated date:2022-10-17
Article 1: In accordance with the following laws:
The Regulations are formulated pursuant to Article 4, Article 7, Article 8, and Article 20 of the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals and the Regulations Governing Employment Gold Card Permits for Foreign Special Professionals(hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”). 

Article 2: Applicants
In accordance with Article 8 of the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals, foreigners or Hong Kong/Macau residents, of whom are professionals that have applied to work in our country, must be certified by competent authority of the central government to be working in one of the following eight fields of profession: (website of the National Development Council’s link to the competent authority of the central government regarding the recognition standard of the eight fields of profession: http://www.ndc.gov.tw)
(1)Field of Technology
(Ministry of Science and Technology)
(2)Field of Economics
(Ministry of Economic Affairs)
(3)Field of Education
(Ministry of Education)
(4)Field of Culture and Arts
(Ministry of Culture)
(5)Field of Sports
(Ministry of Education)
(6)Field of Finance
(Financial Supervisory Commission)
(7)Field of Law
(Ministry of Justice)
(8)Field of Architectural Design
(Ministry of Interior)

Article 3: Required Documents
(1)A color scanned e-file of the following documents shall be attached:
A.Passport with at least 6-month validity remaining.
B.2-inch hatless facial color photo taken within 6 months (size identical to the Identification Card of our country).
C.Documents of eligibility for Foreign Special Professionals announced by the central competent authorities.
D.Other documents required for application of resident visa, alien residency certificate, and reentry permit.
E.Those applying under Foreign Special Professionals from Hong Kong/Macao are not required to obtain an affidavit, police record certificate, or a health certificate,but must enclose〝Hong Kong/ Macao Residents Identity Confirmation〞.  
(2)Specific Professional Talent from foreign countries or Hong Kong/Macao whom has been recommended by competent authority of the central government must submit the previously mentioned documents in written format. 
(3)Required Documents for Changes in
Personal Data: Passport, Employment Gold Card, documents certifying changes (related documents certifying changes: renewed passport, police reports or declarations certifying damaged, lost or reissuance of documents) and 2-inch hatless facial color photo taken within 6 months (size identical to the Identification Card of our country).

Article 4: Application and Payment Method
(1)When applicants first enter the system of “FOREIGN PROFESSIONALS ONLINE APPLICATION PLATFORM” (hereinafter referred to as “ Application Platform”) from the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of Interior (hereinafter referred to as the “National Immigration Agency”), website: https://coa.immigration.gov.tw/coa-frontend/four-in-one/entry/, one shall log in with his/her account or certificate to apply for the Employment Gold Card.
(2)The effective period of the Employment Gold Card is available in three choices: one year, two years, or three years. After an applicant uploads all require documents to the Application Platform, one can choose the effective period of the Employment Gold Card between one year, two years, or three years. To complete the application process, one shall choose between “domestic” or “overseas” application and pay the applicable fees according to the fees shown when choosing the effective period for the Employment Gold Card with an international credit card. Regardless of the acceptance of the application, fees are nonrefundable.  
(3)After the application is reviewed by the Ministry of Labor, one shall print out the “Passport Submission Notice” from the Application Platform, and submit it, along with the original foreign passport (valid effective date of more than six months), to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (including domestic branch offices of the Bureau of Consular Affairs) or the R.O.C. Foreign Embassy, Consulates, Representative Offices, or other Offices for processing. Foreign Special Professionals from Hong Kong/Macao do not need to apply for a residency visa from the Bureau of Consular Affairs while applying for the Employment Gold Card,but must enclose〝Hong Kong/ Macao Residents Identity Confirmation〞.

Article 5: Review Period (days)
Within 30 working days (commencing from the day of the completion of the online application, excluding weekends and holidays. The wait time for passport verification as described in paragraph 3 of Article 2 and document supplementation and correction time as described in Article 4, as well as delay caused by other force majeure events addressed in the regulations shall be deducted).

Article 6: Correction, Verification, Retrieval Methods
(1)Correction: Of those applicants whose application is not a match or is incomplete, the National Immigration Agency shall notify the applicants via email that he/she has 30 days to make corrections. Of those applicants in which application information can only be obtained out of the country, the correction time allowed is six months. The application shall be denied if the information is not fully supplemented or corrected within the required time.
A.In cases where the required documents are produced out of the country while applying for the Employment Gold Card, the review authority shall request foreign embassy for verification if necessary; if it is within the country, where the documents may be produced by foreign embassies within the country or authorized representative offices, the review authority shall request verification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if necessary.
B.If the previously mentioned documents are in a foreign language(besides English), one must attach an English or Chinese translation copy.
C.In case where the verification of foreign public documents complies with the provisions addressed in Article 15(1) in “Document Verification Provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassy,” such provisions shall prevail.
(3)Retrieval Method:
A.Domestic Application: After an applicant prints out an “E-Receipt” from the “Download Section” of the “ Application Platform,” one must bring both the receipt and the original passport to the National Immigration Agency service center of one’s choosing to retrieve the Employment Gold Card.
B.Overseas Application:
(A)Retrieval of Employment Gold Card after entering the country: After an applicant prints out the “Republic of China Employment Gold Card Overseas Approval Certificate,” one must retrieve the Employment Gold Card from the National Immigration Agency service center of one’s choosing by bringing the certificate and original passport to the service center within 30 days starting from the next day after entering the country.
(B)Retrieval of Employment Gold Card Overseas: After an applicant prints out an “E-Receipt” from the “Download Section” of the “ Application Platform,” the applicant shall bring the receipt and original passport to the Republic of China Foreign Embassy, the Representative Office, or the Consular Office (hereinafter referred to as Foreign Mission ) to retrieve the Employment Gold Card, and enter the country with the Gold Card. The wait period for the retrieval of the Employment Gold Card overseas may take more than 21 working days. After the Employment Gold Card being sent to the Foreign Mission, the Foreign Mission will send an email to inform the applicant to claim the Employment Gold Card. If the applicant fail to claim the Employment Gold Card, the Foreign Mission will send the Employment Gold Card back to the National Immigration Agency by diplomatic mail. 

Article 7: Charges and fees

(1)  Overseas applications by foreign nationals:
  1. Applicants who are subject to the application of a special handling fee as specified in Article 4 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 4 of the Standard Fees for Republic of China (Taiwan) Visas in Foreign Passports (hereinafter referred to as “subjects of a specialhandling fee”) shall be charged the special handling fee plus the following: For one-year duration, NT$1,500 per card; for two-year duration, NT$2,500 per card; for three-year duration, NT$3,500 per card.
  2. Other applicants: For one-year duration, NT$3,700 per card; for two-year duration, NT$4,700 per card; for three-year duration, NT$5,700 per card
(2)  Domestic applications by foreign nationals who entered the R.O.C. (Taiwan) visa-free, or with a visa for a stay of less than 60 days, or with a visa for a stay of 60 days or longer and with annotation by the visa-issuing authority of a restriction disallowingextension or other limitation:
  1. Subjects of a special handling fee shall be charged the special handling fee plus the following: For one-year duration, NT$2,300 per card; for two-year duration, NT$3,300 per card; for three-year duration, NT$4,300 per card.
  2. Other applicants: For one-year duration, NT$4,500 per card; for two-year duration, NT$5,500 per card; for three-year duration, NT$6,500 per card.
(3)  Domestic applications by foreign nationals who entered the R.O.C. (Taiwan) with a visa for a stay of 60 days or longer and without annotation by the visa-issuing authority of a restriction disallowing extension or other limitation: For one-year duration,NT$3,700 per card; for two-year duration, NT$4,700 per card; for three-year duration, NT$5,700 per card.(4)  Applications by foreign nationals holding a valid Alien Resident Certificate or other document with the function of an Alien Resident Certificate: For one-year duration, NT$1,500 per card; for two-year duration, NT$2,500 per card; for three-year duration,NT$3,500 per card.(5) Residents of Hong Kong or Macau: For one-year to three-year duration, NT$3,100 per card.(6) Where an application is made in accordance with Subparagraph 1 of the preceding Paragraph, the applicant may, before the case has been submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for review, apply for the passport inspection location to be changed to theBureau of Consular Affairs or its domestic branch office, and an additional fee of NT$800 per card shall be charged in accordance with Article 4 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 3 of the Standard Fees for Republic of China (Taiwan) Visas in Foreign Passports.(7) In cases where the Employment Gold Card is defaced, unrecognizable, damaged or lost, the cardholder should apply for re-issuance of the Card via the Foreign Professionals Application Platform within 30 days starting from the date of occurrence of the fact. The fee for re-issuance of the Card is NT$500 (card reproduction cost). For situations where the applicant cannot be held responsible, such as change of residential address or passport number, the fee for re-issuance may be exempted. For Hong Kong or Macau residents, the fee for re-issuance of Employment Gold Card is NT$2,600 each in the case that the Card is defaced, unrecognizable, damaged or lost.
Article 8: Matters needing attention
(1)The uploaded facial color photo of the applicant should be in jpg or jpeg format with the redundant blank space being cut. The face should occupy two third of the whole picture and be able to be recognized as the same person as that on his/her passport.
(2)The documents required should be uploaded to the Foreign Professionals Application Platform in color image files. The uploaded files should be in jpg, jpeg, png, or bmp format and the size of each file must be within 512KB. The content of each document should be upright and clear and each file should be named based on its document attribute.  
(3)Individuals who have both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities:
A.For R.O.C. nationals, residing in Taiwan area with household registration, who enter R.O.C. (Taiwan) with a foreign passport, before applying for the Employment Gold Card, they should first apply for move-out registration at their local household registration office.
B.With regard to cases of the previous item, the application of males who have not completed compulsory military service of conscription age or near conscription age will not be accepted if they fall into one of the following situations:
(A)Having neither an Overseas Compatriot Identity Certificate for the purpose of military service nor an Overseas Compatriot Identity Endorsement on his R.O.C. passport.
(B)Being an overseas draftee who has resided in Taiwan Area for one year or more.
(C)Having been subjected to conscription in accordance with the law and is being restricted from leaving the country.
(4)The validity period of the Employment Gold Card cannot be extended. Cardholders of the Employment Gold Card must leave the country before deadline if they fail to apply for a new Card or acquire other documents with functions equal to Alien Resident Certificate before the expiry date of their Employment Gold Card. Cardholders of Employment Gold Card may reapply for a new Card before the expiry date of the old one, if they still meet the eligibility criteria for Foreign Special Professionals and do not fall into one of the situations listed in Article 5 or 7 of the Regulations or Article 22, paragraphs 1 & 4 and Article 28 of the Rules Governing Permits for People from Hong Kong and Macau Setting Up Residence or Permanent Residence in Taiwan.
(5)After passing the review, Employment Gold Card will be issued with a validity period chosen by the applicant via the Foreign Professionals Application Platform. The validity period of the Card starts from the next day of issuance. During the validity period of the Card, the Foreign Special Professionals (cardholder) may work and reside in Taiwan, as well as re-enter the country pairing with a valid passport.

Related File(s)

  • Employment Gold Card Application Instructions for Foreign Special Professionals in Foreign Countries or Hong Kong and Macao docx