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National Immigration Agency


National Immigration Agency Hualien County Service Center provide update information for new immigrants. Foreign spouse who suffered violence continue to stay.

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  • Source:Hualien County Service Center
  • Hit:336
圖二:泰國新住民林小姐(右一)在得知梁小姐(左一)得以繼續居留時,雙方喜悅擁抱。 National Immigration Agency Hualien County Service Center provide update information for new immigrants.  Foreign spouse who suffered violence continue to stay.There are many hardships of Exotic marriage in a foreign land. National Immigration Agency Hualien County Service Center understands the situation. To protect the human rights of Foreign spouses, National Immigration Agency relax of the requirement that foreign spouses who are divorced and do not remarry due to domestic violence may continue to reside from January 1, 2024. To prevent the foreign spouse who suffered violence forced to leave.
It’s not easy to adapt life in Taiwan. Ms. Liang who a Thai new immigrant in Hualien, suffered domestic violence. She was divorced by the court and obtained a court protection order in March last year. But, the court protection order has its own period limit. Before the law was revised, the foreign spouse had to apply for an extension of residence with a valid protection order. However, in January 2024, Ms. Liang received a call from National Immigration Agency Hualien County Service Center with good news, after knowing about the contents of the newly revised immigration law, she felt warm and moved. Because Ms. Liang has not only adapted to life in Taiwan during her nearly 4 years of living in Taiwan, but also meet good friends during work. Now that the immigration act has been revised, Ms. Liang can continue to reside in Taiwan and unnecessary to readjust to the environment and be separated from good friends. Making Ms. Liang regained confidence and decided to continue to reside in Taiwan and work hard.
National Immigration Agency Hualien County Service Center director Mr. Hu express that new immigrants are part of Taiwanese society. National Immigration Agency has long been concerned about new immigrants’ adaptation to life and social integration in Taiwan. In recent years, National Immigration Agency has gradually relaxed the conditions for applying for residence to protect human rights. Since January 1, 2024, the Immigration Administration Law revised that create a friendly immigration environment and protect the right of residence of foreign spouses in Taiwan. To prevent foreign spouses from being forced to leave due to domestic violence and lack of custody of their minor children.