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National Immigration Agency


The National Immigration Agency and Lienchiang District Prosecutors Office jointly organized an anti-fraud and anti-bribery campaign.

  • Date:
  • Source:Lienchiang County Service Center
  • Hit:442
B9C12FC0-3162-4AF0-9FEE-17F88AB6DC48 In recent years, there have been many different types of fraud cases. In order to raise new immigrants' awareness of fraud prevention, Lienchiang County Service Center of the National Immigration Agency hosted an activity of "New Immigrant Family Education Course and Dissemination of Law" at the C&Y Restaurant in Nangan Township on July 15, and invited Lienchiang District Head Prosecutor Liao Cheng-zhe to talk to the new immigrants about how to prevent fraud, and to enhance the ability of new immigrants and their family members to identify fraud, so as to avoid falling victim to the scams.

In addition to explaining common fraudulent practices (fake investment, fake employment scams, fake love dating, etc.) to the new immigrants, so that they can take precautions to avoid being defrauded, also because the 16th presidential, vice-presidential, and 11th legislative elections will be held on January 13, 2024, this activity also conveyed the concept of anti-bribery to ensure the fairness and transparency of the election process, in order to maintain the forms of our government to be Liberal democracy.

Director of Lienchiang County Service Center Chen Ren-zheng said, anti-bribery has been a national consensus, one shouldn't hestitate to report when finding something illegal such as election gambling, election bribery, etc. Please remember to stay calm when encountering suspected fraud, seek help and to collect the evidence first. You can call "165 Anti-Fraud and Internet Scam Hotline" to avoid being defrauded.