雙語詞彙 |
中文 | 英文 |
入出國及移民法 | Immigration Act |
臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例 | Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area |
香港澳門關係條例 | Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong & Macao Affairs |
入出國查驗辦法 | Regulations Governing Immigration Inspection and Data Collection and Utilization |
外國人臨時入國許可辦法 | Regulations of Temporary Entry Permit for Foreigners |
過境旅客過夜住宿辦法 | Regulations Governing The Overnight Stay of Transit Passengers |
外籍商務人士快速查驗通關作業要點 | Operational Regulations Governing Expedited Immigration Inspection and Clearance of Foreign Business Travelers and Foreign Frequent Visitors |
舉發違反入出國及移民法事件獎勵辦法 | Regulations Governing Rewards for Reporting Violations of the Immigration Act |
移民署 | National Immigration Agency |
入出國事務組 | Entry and Exit Division |
移民事務組 | Immigration Affairs Division |
國際及執法事務組 | International Affairs and Law Enforcement Division |
移民資訊組 | Immigration Information Division |
北區事務大隊 | Northern Taiwan Administration Corps |
中區事務大隊 | Central Taiwan Administration Corps |
南區事務大隊 | Southern Taiwan Administration Corps |
專勤隊 | specialized operation brigade; brigade |
服務站 | service center |
收容所 | detention center |
國境事務大隊 | Border Affairs Corps |
訓練中心 | Training Center |
科技偵查中心 | Technology Investigation Center |
公務機關 | government agency |
主管機關 | competent authority; competent authorities |
法律依據 | legal basis |
居住臺灣地區設有戶籍國民 | nationals with household registration in the Taiwan Area |
臺灣地區無戶籍國民 | nationals without household registration in the Taiwan Area |
人流管理 | human flow management |
國人 | national |
外國人 | foreign national |
無國籍人 | stateless person |
台灣地區人民 | people of the Taiwan Area |
大陸地區人民 | people of the Mainland China Area |
香港澳門居民 | Hong Kong and Macao residents |
未成年子女 | underage child; underage children |
未婚未成年人士 | unmarried minor |
團聚 | family reunion |
歸化 | naturalization |
外僑居留證 | Alien Resident Certificate; ARC |
中華民國居留證 | R.O.C. (Taiwan) Resident Certificate |
國民身分證統一編號 | National Identification Number |
晶片護照 | electronic passport/ biometric passport/ ePassport |
入出國日期證明 | Certificate of Entry and Exit Date |
中華民國台灣地區入出境許可證 | Entry and Exit Permit Taiwan Republic of China |
核發許可證 | to issue permit; issuance of permit |
許可證持用人 | permit holder |
許可證號碼 | permit number |
來臺目的 | purpose of entry |
面談 | interview |
查驗通關 | immigration clearance |
證照查驗 | passport inspection |
按捺指紋 | to be fingerprinted |
生物特徵 | biometrics |
免簽證入境 | visa-exempt entry |
發證機關 | issuing authority |
停留期限 | duration of stay |
效期;有效期限 | validity |
效期屆滿時 | upon expiration |
期滿;屆滿 | expiration |
期間 | duration |
過境 | transit |
臨時入國 | temporary entry |
停留 | visit; stay |
居留 | residence; residency |
定居 | registered permanent residence |
永久居留 | permanent residence; permanent residency |
戶籍遷出 | Moving-out Registration |
偽變造護照 | counterfeit passport; forged passport |
虛偽結婚 | sham marriage; marriage fraud |
禁止出國 | to be banned from exiting the State |
禁止入國 | to be prohibited from entering the State |
難民認定 | recognition of refugee status; determination of refugee status |
難民 | refugee |
庇護 | asylum |
多元文化 | cultural diversity |
移民事務 | immigration affairs |
移民資訊 | immigration information |
移民政策 | immigration policy |
移民人權 | immigrant rights |
移民基金 | immigration funds |
移民業務機構 | immigration service organization |
移民業務廣告 | immigration service advertisement |
婚姻媒合 | matchmaking; marriage matching |
跨國(境)人口販運 | transnational human trafficking |
逾期停(居)留 | to overstay; to overstay a visa; to overstay beyond authorized period of stay |
非法聘雇 | illegal employment |
非法移工 | undocumented migrant worker |
非法移民 | illegal immigrants |
收容 | to detain; detention |
收容所 | detention center |
收容異議 | objection to detention |
強制出國; 驅逐出國 | to deport; to enforce deportation |
自願離境 | voluntary departure from the State |
自行到案 | to report oneself; self-reporting |
國家利益 | national interests |
公共安全 | public security |
公共秩序 | public order |
犯罪預防 | crime prevention |
國家安全 | national security |
查察 | to investigate; investigation |
審查會 | review committee |
依個案處置 | to be on a case-by-case basis |
續以收容 | to continue the detention; continued detention |
司法程序 | judicial process |
司法機關 | judicial authority |
就業安定費 | employment security fees |