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Remarks by Ministry of the Interior Minister Hsu Kuo-yung at the 2018 International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking

  • Date:
  • Source:Anti-Human Trafficking Section
  • Hit:2063
hsu-kuo-yung <p>Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am honored to be here to attend a remarkable event with<br />The representatives and ambassadors to Taiwan,<br />Embassies and consulates officials, <br />Legislator Wu, Legislator Li<br />members of government institutions and non-governmental organizations<br />Scholars, experts in study of human trafficking,<br />the keynote speakers, panelists and foreign guests from Europe, the United States, Japan and Southeast Asia <br />Mr. Vice President Chen, <br />Minister Lo, <br />Deputy Minister Tsai<br />And ministerial representatives</p>
<p>On behalf of the Ministry of the interior, I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all distinguished guests for their participation in the 2018 International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking. Let us continue to work alongside the international community to fight against human trafficking and to implement the idea of human rights governance.</p>
<p>As the world is flat, we all live in an era of globalization. Globalization in terms of economics, social and cultural interactions as well as environmental and sanitation matters have led to human migration and, inevitably along with it, the crimes related to migration of which human trafficking is one of the most severe form. Because of cultural, language barriers, labor conditions and environmental constraints, foreign population are more vulnerable in being treated unfairly, or they may fall prey to and become victims of human trafficking. It is very important for all countries to strengthen cooperation in the prevention of this crime, for human trafficking is only next to drug trafficking and illegal arms deals in terms of profitability. In fighting human trafficking, the joint efforts on prevention needs to take place across borders because the migration flow occurs across borders. The cross-border cooperation between the country of origin and the country of destination and trans-regional cooperation at large are things too important for us to overlook.</p>
<p>At the present, Taiwan has signed cooperation agreements or memoranda with 17 countries. I have good reason to believe that, through fruitful international interactions as were in this conference, we will soon witness a 18th or and even a 19th country signing MOU with us. As Taiwan is situated in the heartland of Eastern Asia and is a nexus of the entire Asian-Pacific Region, migrating to Taiwan is in the interest of many foreign nationals. That is the reason why Taiwan has to make itself a friendlier environment for potential migrants by mean of working on new economic immigration enactment and anti-discrimination enactment. Migrants will arrive at Taiwan and find it a place that treats them with respect. Taiwan plays an important and indispensable role in the prevention of human trafficking as it is the destination of many migrants. The participation of scholars and NGO experts from over 15 countries in this workshop will also it possible for Taiwan to improve its effectiveness in terms of human trafficking prevention.</p>
<p>This year, the US States Department announced the “Trafficking in Persons Report 2018”. Taiwan has been rated as the Tier 1 country for 9 consecutive years. Although Taiwan ranks as a Tier 1 country, it does not mean that the work of human trafficking prevention has been completed. Whether there are recommendations listed in the US report or the criticisms raised by NGOs and INGOs, these are focal tasks to be tracked and managed in the “Cabinet-level Anti-TIP Task Force”. The concerns of human rights of fishermen and domestic workers are mentioned in every US report in the past three years. These are, particularly the in-depth discussion on the issue of labor rights protection for the vulnerable groups, all subjects for follow-ups be it in the form of legislation or administrative measures.</p>
<p>Again, I would like to express my gratitude to all the academics and NGO experts who come to offer their precious input in this workshop. Prevention of human trafficking not only requires long-term and sustained efforts, but also requires long-term cross-border cooperation. I am confident in every moderators and speakers having fruitful discussions and the recommendations meet with fervent follow-ups by the government. I wish the conference successes from which the world may find enlightenment. Thank you.</p>